The president recently told Diane Sawyer: "I'd rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president." Excise the self-aggrandizing "really good" twaddle and it would seem ol' Windy City Barry's well on his way.
In the wake of Democrats' historic Massachusetts smack-down, I've been anxious to see whether Obama would dig in his jackbooted heels and forge ahead with his wildly unpopular socialist agenda; or if he'd play nice with others and tack center (à la Bill Clinton in '94).
Wednesday night, during his first State of the Union address, we got our answer.
I'll leave the in-depth analysis to others, but here's the recap: Obama was Charlie Gibson and America was Sarah Palin. He looked down his nose, through the teleprompter, at the American people and in the most "me-centric" way imaginable, said: "Electric trains are wicked-cool. America sucks. Capitalism sucks. The Supreme Court sucks. It's Bush's fault. Oh, yea — the jobs thing. I'll start my spending-freeze diet tomorrow. Give Perez Hilton a machine gun. Bama knows best. I'll never quit. It's Bush's fault. Hopey-changey. Peace-out."
That about sums it up.
As Einstein (or was it Ben Franklin?) observed: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." So, is our president insane, daft, an obstinate left-wing ideologue or all three? You be the judge.
One thing's for certain. Wednesday night kicked-off the 2010 campaign season. Wonder how many Democrats will — as did Deeds, Corzine and Coakley — ring the Oval Office for help.
Kind of like having Jack Kevorkian lend a hand with your medication, I suppose.