Saturday, January 30, 2010

Democrats' Political Suicide Pact ~ Bible Prophecy Today

Democrats' Political Suicide Pact ~ Bible Prophecy Today

The president recently told Diane Sawyer: "I'd rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president." Excise the self-aggrandizing "really good" twaddle and it would seem ol' Windy City Barry's well on his way.

In the wake of Democrats' historic Massachusetts smack-down, I've been anxious to see whether Obama would dig in his jackbooted heels and forge ahead with his wildly unpopular socialist agenda; or if he'd play nice with others and tack center (à la Bill Clinton in '94).

Wednesday night, during his first State of the Union address, we got our answer.

I'll leave the in-depth analysis to others, but here's the recap: Obama was Charlie Gibson and America was Sarah Palin. He looked down his nose, through the teleprompter, at the American people and in the most "me-centric" way imaginable, said: "Electric trains are wicked-cool. America sucks. Capitalism sucks. The Supreme Court sucks. It's Bush's fault. Oh, yea — the jobs thing. I'll start my spending-freeze diet tomorrow. Give Perez Hilton a machine gun. Bama knows best. I'll never quit. It's Bush's fault. Hopey-changey. Peace-out."

That about sums it up.

As Einstein (or was it Ben Franklin?) observed: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." So, is our president insane, daft, an obstinate left-wing ideologue or all three? You be the judge.

One thing's for certain. Wednesday night kicked-off the 2010 campaign season. Wonder how many Democrats will — as did Deeds, Corzine and Coakley — ring the Oval Office for help.

Kind of like having Jack Kevorkian lend a hand with your medication, I suppose.

Can Republicans Govern?

Can Republicans Govern?

Here is an excellent article discussing The Left and their march toward
egalitarianism by using "The Narrative." I'll call it a "must-read." Remember we must do what we can to stop promoters of "The Narrative" as much as possible when we vote on November 2, 2010. Vote "conservative."

Recent electoral successes, including Scott Brown’s landmark victory in Massachusetts, have positioned Republicans once again for a role in governing, and far sooner than they might have supposed. But are they ready to govern? It all depends, for the problem with many Republicans (and I am a Republican) is that they, along with liberals, subscribe at a visceral level to The Narrative.

What is The Narrative? The Narrative is the official story about America. It is a story composed by the political left, which entered American public life with the progressive movement in the early 20th century and was elaborated in the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1930s and ’40s.

The story runs like this. America was founded on the ideal of equality, though that ideal at first was barely put into practice. The story of America is one of progress toward the fulfillment of the ideal of equality. The end of slavery and the achievement of women’s suffrage are landmarks in this story. All fair enough. So is—less plausibly—the federal income tax, originally established to fund the government but later used to redistribute wealth and tax advantages among Americans. Then came the many programs of direct payments to individuals, the so-called entitlements, beginning with Social Security and extending to Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, aid to dependent children, farm subsidies, and myriad others. And today the health care reform bill before Congress takes its place in America’s advance toward equality. Each and every policy that aims to level distinctions between Americans has found its place within The Narrative.

At times the progression is described as more or less inevitable. It is dressed up in rhetorical finery (befitting the progressives’ debt to Hegel) as the “march of history.” At other times its proponents stress the role of will, exalting the labors of progressive heroes to bring about change. But always they are certain of the single direction in which progress moves.

The Narrative holds genuine power. It permits the easy assignment of virtue and vice. Virtue belongs to those who advocate the fulfillment of equality; they are on the “right side of history,” moving the country “forward.” In opposition are those who seek to take the country “backward,” often identified as “special interests” who favor their own well-being over the equality of all.

The Narrative also identifies the means to be employed by the virtuous. The federal government is the instrument for achieving the promise of equality. If, along the way, this government and its agents of progress should evolve into a separate political class, this is understandable; indeed, it is the more or less inevitable result of the progressives’ role as the vanguard of virtue. In this way, virtue comes to be seen as concentrated, ironically, in the very institution in which the Founders feared that the corrupting effects of power might take root.

Posted using by Oldhardhead

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi work to save health care reform

Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi work to save health care reform - Chris Frates -

Save it? Kill it, please!

Struggling to salvage health reform, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have begun considering a list of changes to the Senate bill in hopes of making it acceptable to liberal House members, according to sources familiar with the situation.

making it acceptable to liberal House members? WHAT???

They aren't listening. Let's be sure to thank them at the ballot box on November 2, 2010.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Bloomberg Hammers Obama, Congress Over Bank Plan

Bloomberg Hammers Obama, Congress Over Bank Plan - "Mayor Says President's Idea To Limit Size And Investments Will Lead To Big Problems For NYC, Including Layoffs
Hizzoner Suggests Salaries Of D.C. Lawmakers Be Held Back For Decade"

Hold back salaries? Sounds good to me. If the Senate thinks it's a swell idea to tax health insurance premiums up to 40%, but give special exemptions for unions members so they can avoid paying the tax, then why not? If Congress thinks it's just fine and dandy to tax "executive bonuses" at 90%, then how about a special 90% tax that only applies to liberal members of Congress?

The End of Wall Street as We Know It - Radical Proposal

The End of Wall Street as We Know It - The Gaggle Blog -

The End of Wall Street as We Know It[...]

Surrounded by economic heavyweights called into the White House, President Obama announced today before the TV cameras that he wasn’t announcing anything new. [...]

That’s the official story. It’s utter nonsense. The actual story is that today’s proposal is totally new, far more radical than anything Obama and his top officials, mainly chief economic adviser Larry Summers and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, have proposed in the past.

Obama Hammers Global Banking Industry / US / Politics & Foreign policy - Obama hammers Wall Street banks

The global banking industry was thrown into turmoil on Thursday by after President Barack Obama, responding to losing the election in Massachusetts public rage over the financial crisis, proposed the most far-reaching overhaul of Wall Street since the 1930s.
Throw the global banking industry into turmoil. Why would he want to do that?